Ladies Day

April 5th, 2025


Two things that strengthen our lives are encouraging conversations among women and meaningful encounters with God. This is exactly why we created the Ladies Day. We warmly invite you to our Ladies Day, offering afternoon sessions, dinner with a dessert buffet, plenty of time to connect, and a joint church service. The theme: Experience Freedom. Register today and invite a friend.


Buchegg Church,
Hofwiesenstrasse 143, 8057 Zürich

April 5th, 2025

15:00 hrs. – Start check in for afternoon
17:00 hrs. – Start check in for evening
17:00-18:30 hrs. – Dinner time
18:30-20:15 hrs. – Worship service
20:15–22:00 hrs. Dessert

Guest speaker: Denise Hoppe-Boeke


Day ticket
Early bird until March 23rd CHF 32.–
Day ticket from March 24th CHF 42.–
Students up to 25 years old CHF 20.–

Evening ticket
Early bird until March 23rd CHF 27.–
Evening ticket from March 24th CHF 37.–
Students up to 25 years old CHF 20.–

Pictures and sound recordings will be made on Ladies Day. If you do not wish to appear in a photo, please let us know using the comments field in the registration form.


Anmeldung | Registration | Inscripción | Inscrição



If you have any questions about Ladies Day, please feel free to contact us here.

Anmeldung Kinderhüte | Registration child care service | Inscripción guardería | Inscrição Berçários

    Eltern | parents | padres | pais

    Kind | child | niño | criança

    (eine Anmeldung pro Kind | one registration per child | un registro por niño | um registro por criança)

    Zeitblöcke | time blocks | bloques de tiempo | block times

    (Bitte CHF 7.– pro Block direkt bei der Kinderabgabe bezahlen | Please pay CHF 7.- per block directly at the children's reception | Por favor pague CHF 7.00 por bloque, cuando entregue al niño.)

    9:45 – 1313:45 – 17

    Bemerkungen | Remarks | observaciones | observações